2016 is here and a lot has happened in the mobile advertising world since past few years.

As more people are buying smatphones and tablets, the market for mobile advertising is growing at a rapid speed. According to a recent report, mobile phone market will reach 2.6 billion units globally by 2016.

In 2014, digital mobile ads accounted for 29.4 % and they are expected to rise to 51.1% in 2016, according to eMarketer.

This revolution has brought new trends to the mobile marketing world.  Let's see these new global trends:

Native advertising –   Advertisers spend more money on native ads because they lead to higher number of clicks. Dedicated Media's report says that native ads are seen 53% more when compared to banner ads. These ads are improving user's experience as they are very engaging and don't cause any intrusion like banner ads. According to another research carried out by ShareThrough, 32% of users were willing to share native ads with peers compared to 19% for banner ads.

Increase in Video Advertising – Video as a tool has grown manifold because of the increasing number of smartphone users and advancement of internet speeds.  There has been a significant rise in the video content on mobiles, and video sharing platforms like Vine & Instagram are contributing immensely towards this rise. Videos are an interesting way to attract customers and establish an emotional relation with them. Marketers will definitely focus more on creating extraordinary video campaigns to leverage their business in 2016.  

Shift from desktop to mobile - eMarketer predicts that mobile ad spending would be somewhere $40.50 billion while desktop ad spending would be $26.59 in the year 2016. Hence, marketers are expected to shift their attention towards mobile in this year.

Automated and Personalized Mobile Advertising Platforms - Automated and personalized mobile advertising platforms provide a stellar user experience with its direct approach and digitalized solutions. The trend of personalized services will rise when it comes to mobile, because it not only leads to customer engagement, but also leads to conversions.

As 2016 has begun, marketers could try platforms like moLotus and ooyala to greet their customers!

With moLotus, brands can send heartfelt and personalized greetings directly on customer's and client's phone. Companies can make the most of 2016 with this service's easy usage and drive revenues, enhance customer loyalty, save tremendous cost and increase user satisfaction. Big brands like Panasonic, Proton, TM, AIG and Celcom have used this service in the past and got extraordinary responses.

And with Ooyala's mobile video platform, brands can attract massive users. They don't just deliver videos to mobile devices, but they deliver an experience. With its high quality videos, Ooyala helps brands to gain revenues and are said to be the next generation of mobile TV.

We can conclude that these global trends are certainly going to reshape the mobile advertising industry in this year. So, all the best for 2016, and play smart in this ever-changing mobile marketing world!

Source : articlesbase.com


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