Five Reason of eCommerce growth in India

eCommerce sector has seen unmatched growth in previous years. The growth of ecommerce by rapid technology adoption led by the increasing use of devices such as phones and tab, and access to the internet through broadband, 2G,3G and 4G, etc., which led to an increased online consumer base. eCommerce gives better user experience, flexibility and authority to users to buy a product or service when they are fully prepared to purchase irrespective of time and location. This is the key for growth. India has an internet penetration of about 19% in similarity to countries like US & UK where it is up to 90%. However, that is not the concern for eCommerce owners it is prospecting, the major threat is about quality of connectivity. The speed and frequent drops cause irritation and restrict user from using eCommerce for their major source of buying. India has a third biggest user with 159 million mobile Internet users –followed by America's 250 million and China's 550 million, has enough opportunities. The number of mobile Internet users in India is projected to be twice and cross the 300 million by 2017. Five Reason of eCommerce growth in India:

1. A critical mass of Internet users: With more than 100 million Internet users, the country is beginning to accomplish a critical mass of users who are familiar with web services.  In addition, over the previous years, relatively sophisticated online travel agents such as PlanetJashn , OrderVenue – which started turning these introductory Web users into Web consumers – have dominated Indian e-commerce.

2. Easy Checkout Process: Checkout process is a striking balance between good functionality, usability and trust building key that offers a good checkout experience. If the checkout is poorly designed you could easily lose up to 67% of customers. Indian eCommerce make checkout more attractive by displaying security logos, show shipping clearly, ensure it is fast particularly on mobile and show images of the products in the carts.

3. Payment gateways: eCommerce website gives customers multiple payment options when they making online payments. These options include credit card, debit cards, Paypal and many more. eCommerce website uses many options for securing the transaction like 3D Secure. 3D Secure is a technical standard created by Visa and MasterCard to further secure Cardholder Not Present transactions over the Internet. MasterCard brand their system as 'MasterCard Secure Code' and Visa call theirs 'Verified by Visa'. 3D Secure payment security creates what is called a 'trust chain' throughout the transaction, shifting the responsibility for fraud from the merchant to the issuer under a range of conditions.

4. Good Experience for Mobile Shoppers: In today's world 75% of people purchased from mobile devices rather than personal computers and laptops, so main motive to of eCommerce websites is mobile friendly, that is must for them. Ecommerce website ensures checkout cart functions easily on mobile, keep your mobile version simple with clear links. 5. Clear Returns Policy: People return products when they're disappointed or the product is not up to the mark. So the first part of an eCommerce website that a good returns policy. These policies can actually help your customer to make the decision to purchase. Indian eCommerce make policy easy to find and write it in easy language, no legal or internal policy jargon. They don't include hidden return cost, explicit and clear about costs. They clear about whether the returns is for cash, exchange or credit this increase their sales.

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