The role of pets, dogs in particular, is so important in our lives that Mark Twain once quipped: "Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."

Pets are a great source of stress buster. Interacting with animals has several benefits, like reduced stress, lowering of blood pressure, dissipating anger, improving our social behavior, and increased feelings of empowerment and trust. In short, pets are an immense source of healing for human beings. Keeping this in view, detox centers have now started adopting pet therapy as part of the healing process.

The presence of pets in detox centers is seen as an unflinching factor in the treatment and healing process for drug addicts. Animals bring in acceptance, improvement in self-esteem, and a feeling of joy to inmates at a detoxification center. Visit south Florida drug detox centers and you will come across many that practice pet therapy as a complementary treatment discipline. Most of these are pet-friendly detox centers which vociferously support the exercise during detoxification.

How it works in detox centers

When a patient is allowed to bring in his pet to a rehab center, he feels overwhelmed at the prospect of spending time with it during this difficult period. It expedites the healing process and soothes a lot of his pain points. The mere presence of pet offers a calming effect to him.

It also fosters a gamut of other benefits to addicts when they are allowed to bring in pets to the center.

Spending time with animals reminds them of unconditional love, the virtue of selflessness and the value of nurturing.

Studies have also suggested that spending time with a pet is even more fulfilling than opening up to a family member. This is especially helpful for drug addicts because they are much more guarded and constricted when it comes to opening up to others. By spending time with pets they begin to see the importance of joyous living without resorting to anything like drugs and other substance abuse. It dawns on them the futility of abusing drugs and other addictive substances.

Those who spend time with their pets in detox centers also show a significant participation in the program and feel much lesser pain than others while coping with withdrawal symptoms.

An acquaintance whose relative had his pet dog accompanying him to the center for drug detox in Orange County had it much easier during the detoxification process. He admitted being at home because of the presence of his pet dog in the rehab center. This speaks volumes about the efficacy of pet therapy during detox. It is, therefore, not surprising to find a number of detox centers advocating pet therapy as part of the healing process for addicts.

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