There are some skills which are fundamental, that an IT professional should hone and master, to have a very good future in the IT industry.
Listening to what people are trying to communicate with you, helps you to understand them and also helps you in developing your communication skills.
Everyone including IT professionals will find themselves, stuck in an obstacle or unable to clear a challenge of some sort. Negotiation in a right manner will help to differentiate success from failure and also helps to have an aspiring IT field future.
Basic Business Finance
Professionals of the IT industry need not know the advanced financial operations. But they must have at least some basic knowledge about ROI, differences between capitals and operating expenses, depreciation and all those basic stuff.
Understanding Business model of the company
If a person in an IT industry has a clear knowledge about the business infrastructure, then that person will be in an excellent position to give idea of about how to make the company more successful from business point of view.
Understanding Operating model of the company
When an IT professional knows about the pro's and con's of the company, then he will be in a much better position to differentiate real improvement and hypothetical improvement.
Political Power Mapping
Advancement in career or career growth depends largely on others, as they assess whether or not a person deserves to be promoted to the next level. Knowing the person who is the authority of this decision making will help you to grow in your career.
Doing Your Job
No matter whatever the role is assigned to you, doing your job professionally and correctly is of utmost importance. It defines how you can have a big impact in your company.
These are few of the tips which will help you to enhance your skills from business point of view on IT perspective. Today an IT professional has to be an all rounder and hence knowing a few things will only help to career growth in the booming IT field.
Because IT field is filled with a lot of competition in today's modern world, it is said to be apt for the "survival of the fittest "Darwin Theory. Hence gaining knowledge in almost everything is the key to success if you want to have a long and healthy IT career. Remember only one thing, ' Known is a drop and unknown is an ocean'.
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