ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder, in which the patient has to face significant problems with the executive functions like inhibitory control and attentional control. The lack of control over these functions is the reason behind problems like hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and attention deficit. The symptoms of ADHD can surface when the individual is aged between six to twelve and it can take almost six months for symptoms to become so severe that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be diagnosed. Symptoms like lack of attention, which are common in children who suffer from ADHD is the main cause of poor academic performance. In spite of the fact that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most diagnosed and researched about psychiatric disorder in adolescents and children, the cause of this disorder is still unknown. Following are the major signs and symptoms of ADHD:

  • Patients find a lot of difficulty in maintaining their focus and are easily distracted.
  • Hyperactivity is one of the major symptoms of this disorder. The patient switch from one activity to another quite frequently.
  • Confusion is also one of the major symptoms of ADHD and the person who suffers from this disorder easily gets confused.
  • The patient also misses on important details about a task, which he has to accomplish. Apart from this, he is also incapable of accomplishing the assigned tasks within the allotted time period.
  • The patient has a lot of difficulty in processing information accurately and quickly.
  • Since he is easily distracted, he is often found not listening to people around him.
  • The patient is also found fidgeting and talking non-stop.

If your child is showing these symptoms then you should immediately take him to a doctor for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatment. He might not have this disorder and may be he does not need a doctor at all, but you should not take any chance. Your child means the world to you and anything concerning him is important. His physical and mental health should never be overlooked and providing him best treatment is your responsibility. Without a sharp brain and healthy body, your child cannot achieve success in any domain. So, if he is exhibiting symptoms of disorders like ADHD then you should immediately take him to an expert for an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder therapy. Immediate medical assistance and treatment will surely help your child in recovering from this order.

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