In days long past, lasers were only thought of in conjunction with science fiction. There was always some villain with an eye patch or a enormous scar threatening to super-heat the world with a space-bound death ray. The reality is that lasers are used for a variety of purposes, and the types of lasers available to researchers and doctors have expanded dramatically in the last 10 years. Some of the breakthrough uses for lasers are in the realm of health and beauty. If individuals want their skin to stay wrinkle free, lasers can be applied by skilled professionals to give photo facials in Boston. If someone needs to improve their vision and hates the way their glasses look, laser eye surgery can improve the function of the eye and remove the need for unattractive lenses. Here are 3 ways that lasers can improve your bodily health and your looks.

Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair is a source of angst and lots of maintenance for men and women all over the world. For hundreds of years, removing hair around different areas of the body has been part of numerous cultures' beauty rituals. Lots of men shave their facial hair daily, while women sometimes remove under-arm and leg hair several times a week. When you add up all the time and effort people put into it, unwanted hair is a bigger deal that you would casually think. This is why scientists and doctors have developed a way to get rid of hair permanently after a round of treatments.

Laser hair removal involves going to a medical spa and having a professional apply a laser to the skin where you have unwanted hair. The laser heats the follicle and damages it, preventing hair from growing back. You will need to come back for 6 to 8 treatments in the same area, or even more if the area has thick hair, to get all of the dormant follicles and prevent hair from ever returning.

Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a practical treatment that can improve your eyes and help you get rid of those pesky glasses. Laser eye surgery uses a laser to fix the vision issues of many people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure has been done on millions successfully, but to get an idea of the risks and best-case results, you will want to consult a doctor with an excellent reputation. Make sure to find someone highly rated and with the proper qualifications. Many doctors will have references and testimonials from former patients so that you can be confident in their ability to do a great job on your eyes.

Sometimes, laser eye surgery can actually worsen night vision and may help your eyesight but not make your vision perfect. If you hate wearing glasses, getting laser eye surgery can benefit you in many ways.

IPL or Photo Facials

IPL stands for intense pulsed light. These facials are designed to damage the outer layers of skin to reveal the tender, new skin underneath. The procedures can correct wrinkles, discoloration from acne scarring, and broken capillaries. One of the most important things to think about when you've decided you're serious about photo facials in Boston is the recovery process. Because this procedure works so well, your skin will peel afterward. You won't be able to go out in the sun for fear of damaging the tender new skin, and going out in public may not be advisable. If you want to leave your skin in great shape and tone the overall look, this procedure, with the proper planning for recovery, can be a miracle for your damaged skin.

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