You run or work for a company that makes a great product or offers a great service. You meet someone at a party and introduce yourself. You say, "I am CEO of – or Chief Designer, or … – ", and mention your company's name. Now, if your company was called 'Coca-Cola', 'Ikea', 'Apple' or 'Google', that would have needed no further explanations.


However, if your company was not all that well known, the question pops up, "What does your company do?" If your company used a brand consultancy, this question would have been forestalled, you and your company will be well known!


The objective of any business is to offer a good product or service to its customers. A product that makes people want to come back for more. If the product or service is goodand serves the needs of its customers, they would indeed come back for more. But a brand makes the customers buy any product with that brand name, even a product that they have not tried earlier.


This happens because once there is a brand, customers develop some expectations from the brand. They believe, based on experience, that if product 'A' from Brand 'X' is good, then product 'B' is also likely to be good. So they try product 'B" also, relying on the brand.


Many of us have personally experienced this effect and we may also be doing the same thing. In this fashion, a brand raises expectations, it makes an implied promise. Branding companies help define that promise. They help promote the brand. They help you define and develop your strategy to make the brand easily recognizable.


Your brand strategy includes many things. It is not just a logo or a catchy phrase – like Nike's "Just do it" – that you put on your letterhead. If you are wise and engage the services of a brand consultancy, you will discover that a brand strategy is a whole new world. It is a world where the uninitiated can easily falter.


Branding companies sell the 'concept' of your company. They help you define what you promise with your brand. Whereas, on the other hand, an advertising agency helps you sell a product. True, a brand consultancy may use advertisements to promote your brand. But those advertisements are part of your brand strategy. In fact,branding companies may often engage advertising agencies to develop advertisements to promote a particular brand.


Your brand is not just your logo or your tagline. The brand defines how you project yourself to the world. It defines, or should define, every action in your company. This concept ensures that you are consistent.


When we say every action, it includes communication, packaging, customer service, in fact, the entire atmosphere in the company. All of these should blend seamlessly with the brand. So much so, that even when a worker just answers a telephone call, your brand sounds through! A good brand consultancy helps you achieve this.

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