There are people who seem to have been born to be successful, but the fact is that you can be as successful as you wish to be if you put your mind to it. It is possible for you to change your fate to attract good luck and be a success in what you do and in life. You simply need to embrace a few success factors and you will be on the path to greatness.

1. Strong will – It is a very important success factor, because when you have a strong will to get where you want to be, nothing can stop you. You will face obstacles and overcome them when you have a strong will compared to giving up as soon as you face your first set back. To be successful you must be a strong willed person.

2. Patience – This is another very important factor because it determines how far you can go and how far you can push your limits to be successful. Successful people are patient enough to try again and again and to take every failure as a lesson so they become better. Patience means setting challenging but realistic goals and keeping up with the journey no matter the number of setbacks you might face along the way. Success will definitely not be achieved overnight and you therefore need to exercise patience to get there.

3. Vision – There is really no way you can work towards something you don't know. To be successful you need to have a clear picture of where you are going, who you want to be and what you want to achieve. For example, if you want to build a home, it is not enough to just know that you want a home; you would need to be clear with the size, the design and even the materials you want to use putting it up. The same should be for your dreams. Visualize where exactly you want to be in a few years and then create a strategy on how you will get there and you are bound to succeed.

4. Action – It is one thing to be a dreamer and quite another to achieve those dreams. It does not do you any good when you spend your days dreaming of that bright future you want but end up doing nothing towards achieving it. Successful people are people of action and you must strive to be the same. Take the necessary actions towards becoming who you want to be now that you already have a vision of it. Take baby steps such as saving up for what you want or getting a much better job and everything else will start falling into place. It helps to have a plan as a platform of realizing your dreams.

5. Self-belief – Believing in your abilities and convincing yourself that nothing is too hard for you to achieve is essential when it comes to success. You are as good as you think you are so start believing in what you can achieve and you will slowly get there.

Everybody yearns to be successful, but the strategies we employ into the success journey is what makes us different. Be a better dreamer and a planner and you are halfway into your success.

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