The 18-carat blue sapphire ring was given to Princess Diana as an engagement gift and now the same jewel adorns the hand of the Duchess of England. Sapphires and rubies running in the royal family is not news though. For centuries, the royal families across the world have shown partiality towards these gems, and lucky for them they could afford it.


  1. It is believed that Helen of Troy had a large star sapphire in her possession that was the key to her appeal. And even though she had already married King Menelaus, she was kidnapped by Paris, triggering the famous Trojan War. Perhaps it was the sapphire to blame.
  2. It is believed that a magical ring was in possession of King Solomon that gave him the power to speak with animals and command demons. Some people believe that the hexagram in his ring is actually a six pointed star sapphire.
  3. "Ivan the Terrible" of Russia was believed to be a passionate sapphire lover. He regarded it as a stone that brings courage and joy to a person, and also makes a person physically strong.
  4. The famous Imperial crown of Austria was commissioned by Rudolf II. This crown is topped by a blue sapphire as the symbol of heaven.
  5. The Hollywood royalty Elizabeth Taylor was also very fond of Gems. One of her husband gave her a cabochon sapphire engagement ring.

The powers of sapphire:

  1. Like Ruby, Sapphire is also believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and wellbeing to its wearer.
  2. It is said that sapphires have chemical composition that can neutralize poison. If a sapphire is put in water and the same water is used on a scorpion bite, it can save your life; however, it did not save "Ivan the terrible" from the mercury poisoning. Maybe it is just a myth or maybe Ivan was too terrible for his own good.
  3. Sapphire can also be a totem to save the owner from evil spirits.
  4. Sapphire is said to be a danger radar. If danger is near you, the sapphire will change its color.

What is sapphire?

Sapphire got its name from a Latin word "sapphirus" meaning "blue". It belongs to a species of gem called corundum. The only difference between sapphire and ruby is their color.  Sapphires range in colors from pastel blues to the midnight blue. They are also known for being the toughest stones, second only to diamonds. The gem is usually given a star-shaped look and is the birthstone of September.

A classic stone:

  1. Known for its beautiful blue color. Sapphire is among the most precious stones of the world.
  2. Contrary to the popular belief, sapphire could now be owned by a commoner as well. In addition to blue sapphire, loose sapphire, and Ceylon sapphire are also easily available here at wholesale prices.
  3. The real true blue, sapphire is the gem of devotion. In olden times, a gift of a sapphire was a promise of trust, honesty, purity and loyalty. This belief makes sapphire a famous choice for engagement rings.


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