According to the report of a recent study, conducted by a group of scientists, an interesting fact has come into notice, and that information is enough to make the day of gamers. The study throws light upon the fact that children who play videogames are tend to be sharper compared to them, who don't play videogames. And the list does not come to an end here, the list is surprisingly quite long and while excavating some of the advantageous aspects of playing videogames you are sure to get astounded.

The progress of videogames has surpassed a long way, from simple plot and background to challenging, complex design, the level of development is certainly estimable. The evidence is escalating, that the advantages of playing videogames go far beyond improving the hand-eye harmonization and entertainment. Here we have elaborated the commendable ways through which games are programming smarter people.

They Produce Better Surgeons

Though the fact is hard to digest, but a study conducted by laparoscopic specialists dug out that fact that medical practitioner specifically surgeons who play for more than 3 hours each week accomplish the procedure with 32% less inaccuracy, in comparison to non-gamers counterparts. Certainly the gaming industry has much more to proffer than we realize.

Playing Xbox one Madden 16, can work like an excellent mental stimulant as well as obtains quite a few positive impacts on lifestyle, but the only proviso is to play in moderation.

Aids in Overcoming Dyslexia

Attention difficulties are considered as the key component of this disease. Study has revealed the fact that dyslexics perked up reading comprehension after playing a long session of video games. The reason can be the constantly changing environment of videogames that demand core attention.

Help to Ease Pain

It's not hard to assume that as video games need intense focus while playing, it diverted our mind from pain. But that's not the sole reason, playing can generate analgesic response inside cortical systems.

Reduce Stress

A study has tracked that certain games help in reducing adrenaline response, though counting the aggressiveness that games induce, people may believe that it incurs stress. But in reality, it helps to reduce real life stress level.

Helps to Make Your Mind Faster

Owing to the ever-changing environment and constantly displayed information in Xbox one madden 16, gamers need to adapt to the inscribed information quickly and operate the game. That's why players who are addictive to fast-paced games are believed to be faster in reacting and making decisions compared to non-players.

Aside of that, it can curb your craving for smoking, overeating as well as drinking as they make you immersed into the game. Moreover, if you know an autistic child, encourage him to play this videogame as study has tracked that playing videogame can actually bring improvement in them.


Play Xbox one NFL madden 16 for obtaining the positive impacts that are generated from gaming. The game features excitement that comes from passing defend-system and achieving reward and overcoming new risk.

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