With each new land and cultural discovery, from natives walking across the Bering Strait at the end of the Ice Age to the recent discovery of the Brazilian Atlantis, our world becomes more accessible and our interactions become more diverse. The art of mingling, negotiating, and dialoguing with other people from different countries is an important, and yet complex skill. The art of diplomacy requires finesse. If working in International Relations and using your finesse interests you, then the Cambridge Immerse International Relations summer program is the place for you.

The Curriculum and Campus

The rigorous and vital study is offered in two summer sessions: July 24-August 6 and then August 7 to August 20. The residential program has classes capped at ten students and professors and tutors who have real life experience in the field. The instructors are carefully vetted before hiring and they represent all parts of the world. The lectures are enhanced with skills workshops and an amazing diverse population of students, as well.

This population allows for investigation and the demystification of erroneous cultural and national myths. The international students are taught to investigate and break down walls before building better walls. Countries, controversial issues, and trending concepts are all studied in an effort for a better understanding and a more peaceful world. You can sit at a round table and actually help to make the world a better place.

Past topics have been an analysis of the United Nations and its functions and an exploration of the giant we country called China. Debate style viewpoint presentations further build confidence in students as they learn to have valid opinions and to also express those vital opinions in a professional and academic setting. There can be no better place to hold such a rigorous and important summer program than historical and pastoral Cambridge campus.

The summer program also ensures that the students are given downtime, relaxation, and activities such as exploring nearby historical venues, exercising by punting on the Cam, and refining their Bisque skills while playing a friendly match of croquet.

One Voice Can Make a Difference

One voice can make a difference in the world and how nations interact with each other. You can be that voice. If you are interested in International Relations, sign up for the Summer School at Cambridge University program. Your life will never be the same. 

For more information please visit us: CambridgeImmerse.com

Source : articlesbase.com


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