This has led to a steep rise in demand for doctors because of illnesses caused by various external environmental factors acting as detrimental to the growth of a person.

These reasons have made it almost mandatory to have a doctor on call always ready. Availing medical advice is of immense help, as we may never know when an unpleasant situation may arise and we may require a doctor's assistant immediately.

Medicine is a vast branch of study under science and requires incredible amount of determination and hard work to master. A doctor is highly revered in a society for his ability to save lives and ease the pains/discomforts of a patient. But, different method of medicine agrees with different kind of people. Antibiotics are the most common and scientifically proven and developed method of treating illnesses that prevail currently. But, there have been other medicinal practices that have gained predominance such as Ayurveda, homeopathy which have also come up as a preferred way of treatment by many people, the latter being more common among Indians.

Although Ayurveda and Homeopathy are considered as pseudoscientific and proto-scientific method of treatment, many people vouch for them as they have been treated of their diseases effectively through these treatments. Ayurveda is based on ancient principles of Hindu medicinal system and developed significantly in the Vedic period. Ayurvedic practices include the usage of herbal medicines, precious metals or mineral supplements, opium, and oil massages and other therapies such as acupuncture. Homeopathy is another alternative medicinal practice like the Ayurveda, but it depends on the principle of like cures like i.e similia similibus curentur. It treats the illness on the same principle our immune systems work and homeopathic medicines are created by repeated dilution in alcohol or distilled water.

Antibiotics may have side effects, but they are medicinally proven to be the most effective in treating illnesses by modern scientific methods than Ayurveda or Homeopathy, and thus, people are encouraged to follow a doctor's advice on such medicines as prepared by scientific methods. Whatever our preferred way of treatment might be, we should always have a doctor's contact readily available to us. Consulting a doctor online helps immensely as we don't have to make the extra effort of visiting the doctor's place of practice. If we are running a busy schedule or are too weak from an illness to travel all the way to a doctor, consulting a doctor online gives us the desired ease of access. 

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