Many institutions have access points that are made of glass doors and windows. This makes these entry points to be vulnerable to criminals as they can break the glass to gain entry. To respond to this problem, the security industry has responded by developing window screens. The good thing with these aluminum security screens AU is that they offer a barrier that is almost impenetrable. This means that they are able to withstand attacks by criminals who use knives, hammers or an assault rifle.

It is important to realize that security screens do not have the ability to stop bullets. However, they can prevent further tearing, cutting or attack using blunt force and therefore it becomes almost impossible to tear an opening that is huge enough to reach and unlock the windows or doors. While screen are a bit more expensive, the cost usually decrease when additional windows and doors get added to the job.

The goal is to create a physical barrier that can prevent criminal from gaining access into institutions. As compared to the window screen, it is more difficult to penetrate security screens particularly where an intruder is using an assault rifle. It is also easier to notice the screens and this also act to deter the would-be criminals.

The screens are usually available as a wire mesh in stainless steel or even the perforated stainless steel of 18 gauge. These are usually attached to the windows and doors that have screws that are tamper-proof. The security screens do not interfere with the proper operation of windows and doors. When these are painted black, they have a dark and tinted look from outside while allowing a clear view from the inside.

The security screens were first adapted in schools in the urban areas. However, we now have rural and suburban campuses that are also requesting for them. Universities and colleges find the screens useful especially in dormitories where they serve to reduce incidences of insecurity.

The strange thing is that there are people who are not happy with this industry. Some people believe that schools that have these screens look more or less like a prison. However, when it comes to security, nothing should be left to chances. It is also worth noting that the security screens are just but some great versions of what is commonly used in many residential windows and doors.

Some variations are also used in commercial and residential locations as well as automobiles so as to minimize damage from sunlight and heat. Therefore, the screens play an important role in the security of many schools. If you are searching for an installer of Protector Aluminium Security screens, you should get in touch with Proctector.

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