The biggest challenge in the process of losing weight is the choice between junk food versus health food. Many people surrender to their craving for junk food while many find it difficult to lose weight even after following stringent diet and avoiding oily and junk food. Despite all their efforts the weight loss results are often not satisfactory. If such is the case with you, you should know these 10 mistakes that are doing you more harm than benefits in your goal to achieve ideal weight.

My Genes Make Me Fat

If you belong to a family with parents or grandparents and blame your genetic make for being overweight than it is time you change the wrong notion. A healthy diet and regular exercise routine is 80% to 90% responsible for your level of fitness, health, and your body shape.

Not taking food after exercising

You often tend to miss having a healthy snack or meal after exercising either because you are too tired and want your body to calm down and relax or due to sheer laziness. However, your body requires the maximum nutrition 30–60 minutes after exercising. So next time you step out of your gym or come back home from jogging make sure to consume some carbohydrates and proteins after 30–60 minutes.

Follow A Stringent Diet

Many believe that since they are exercising it is just alright to sometimes indulge into eating unhealthy food. The fact is it slows down your weight loss process if one continuously keeps switching between healthy food habits and unhealthy junk food. Remember why you want to lose weight and try to stick to a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Drinking Too Much Fruit Juices

You must have heard that fruit juices are good for your weight loss but the fact is some fruit juices have same amount of sugar as soft drinks. A single glass of orange juice may contain 5 or 10 oranges and that increases the sugar content. Try having whole fruit that contain healthy dietary fibre instead of fruit juices.

Eating Healthy Is Extravagance

Eating healthy can be done only when you spare huge amount of money in surplus than your monthly budget for food and grocery—if this is what you think then consider these few things. Get rid of unhealthy foods and cut down your plans to your favourite eatery during the weekend and you can automatically make-up for the little amount that you spend for a healthier you. Think about this one—healthy food habit might cost little more than the foods that hamper your body, wouldn't it then be worth the extra bucks you spare for healthy food?

Skinny People Are Healthy Inside

You must understand that each and every person is different. Therefore, if a person is skinny it is not necessary he / she is healthy. Being skinny has nothing to do with good health and it might be or even might not be a sign of a healthy person.

Do Not Get Cheated By Businesses

Every good thing is hard to achieve and so is good healthy body. A healthy and fit physique is the result of good amount of exercise and switching to a healthy food habit of eating nutrition-rich fruits and vegetables. Do not get lured by the offer of easily losing weight with short-cuts and fixes by profit-driven businesses. These short cuts may be extremely harmful for your health in the long run.

Skipping Meals

Many people skip meals thinking it to be an ideal and easy process of losing weight. As mentioned earlier the continued habit of skipping meals and not eating properly could be an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa or simply referred as anorexia. You might skip meals to save consuming some calories but the facts is if you tend to skip your meals you tend to eat more when you eat and end up consuming even more calories that you have saved yourself from eating by skipping your last meal. It is important to stick to meals a day and never everskip your breakfast. Include protein and fibre in your breakfast chart.

Foods To Avoid

Strict no to fruit juices have already been mentioned; some other foods that you should avoid include frozen meals, high-fibre snack bars, low-fat foods, crackers, bread, and you must avoid booze as well.

Hurry To Reach The Finish Line

You must understand that weight loss is a gradual process and it takes time. You cannot lose good amount of weight over a week. It has been seen that many people give up following healthy food habit as they soon despair for not achieving the expected target weight. Remember the hare and the tortoise story that teaches us slow and steady wins the race, similar is the case of weight loss. Consistently follow a healthy diet plan and exercise regularly and you will probably reach your set target.

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