Whether we pause to think about it or not, water is an important part of our lives. We use it so frequently that, most likely, you don't even think about its importance until you turn the faucet and nothing happens. It is at that point when you realize just how often water is used throughout the course of the day. Be it for drinking, washing dishes, or showering, our water is a vital part of our lives and something easily taken for granted.

However, not all water is created equal. In fact, it can be divided into a variety of categories – salty, bitter, hard, soft, spring, well, etc. and each of these types have their own uses. Of these many water qualifiers, perhaps the two most commonly dealt with are hard or soft water. For many people whose homes have hard water (water which has a high mineral content due to forming through deposits od limestone and chalk, thus resulting in high levels of calcium and magnesium carbonates) the solution is to install a system that produces soft water.

You may not think that having hard water rather soft water is a big deal, but consider this -hard water causes your clothes not to get as clean, your dishwasher items to look spotted even when they were just washed, can result in additional build up on your shower walls, and even affect how much body your hair has –despite being clean! In addition, hard water can play havoc with your home's plumbing system as it cause build up in pipes, thus slowing down water flow, and the effectiveness of your water heater.

A water softener system is a mechanical appliance that's plumbed into your home's water supply, and then removes the calcium and magnesium through a process known as an ion exchange. A water softener system is designed with a mineral tank filled with small polystyrene beads carry a negative charge. Since calcium an magnesium carry positive charges, the beads pull the excess minerals out. A brine is used to flush through the tank and "clean" the beads and  ultimately pass the soften water into your home's plumbing lines.

If you are unsure whether your home has hard water, then you can typically obtain a water analysis test from your local agricultural extension, by talking to a local water/well specialist, at a big box store, or by ordering online. You should also keep in mind that there are several types of water softener systems from which to choose, so it is best to work with a well and water professional when selecting a water softener system for your location.  One such provider of water softener systems is Haferman Water, a Minnesota based company, but for best results talk to someone within your own state.

Don't place additional stress on your home's plumbing system due to hard water. Talk to your local water specialist to learn how you can use a water softener system to improve your location's water quality today!

Source : articlesbase.com


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