Though you are going to have some intense experiences in India, especially if you are travelling there for the first time, the country will definitely leave a lasting impression on you. It is filled with complete different cultures and traditions with some of the most hospitable and friendly people you will ever find. Additionally, you can contribute a lot towards the community as well as a volunteer, especially in programs focusing on community development, teaching, conservation, and women's rights. However, before you go, here are a few don'ts that you should keep in mind:

1.     Don't say no to trying out new things

India will have some of the best food items that you definitely have to indulge in. And while you may have issues with cleanliness, you cannot leave India without trying the local food out. Be sure to visit places that you think take care of hygiene and cleanliness and indulge in some mouth watering delights there.

2.     Don't forget ear plugs

Earplugs will especially help if you are thinking of volunteering in India during Diwali, which is the festival of lights. While the festival is great fun, a lot of fireworks are used and it can get pretty loud. Therefore, if you are not used to excessive fireworks, then bring ear plugs with you.

3.     Do not wear revealing clothes

While India continues to open up to different things and adapt to different practices, it is still conservative. When you visit India for the first time, be sure to cover properly, at least for the first few days until you ease into what the locals are wearing. Foreigners are already different to the locals and you are bound to get a lot of attention. This is not only for the women but men as well.

4.     Don't flaunt eating beef

For those who didn't know, Indians take cows to be their sacred animals. This is one of the primary reasons why these cows roam freely. And while you can have beef at certain restaurants such as McDonald's, it is always better to be respectful of the local culture and traditions for the time that you are there.

5.     Do not avoid learning Hindi

While you won't become fluent in the language in the little time that you spend in India as a volunteer, there is no harm in learning a few everyday words that will help you get by. Additionally, the locals will always appreciate you trying to make the effort. While people around you will always help you in learning, you can always join language classes.

iSpiice has plenty of great volunteer programs in India and you can have your pick based on your own personal interests. It is time that you get out of your comfort zone and start making a difference where it is really needed. The little efforts that you make will contribute to a greater change.  

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