It had long been predicted from the then-ongoing trends that mobile friendly websites were to increase aggressively in the years to come. It will not be wrong to say that the time has come when a person's first internet experience is through a mobile device! This breakneck shift from desktop to mobile devices has left the businesses with no option than adapting to this shift. Looking at the present scenario, not having a mobile friendly website is next to murdering your online business.

People have become extremely impatient when it comes to fetching information and services. They want everything quickly. Those businesses who are not yet taking full advantage of the technological advancements, might miss the opportunity of attracting customers. It has become exceedingly essential for businesses to be able to cater to the needs of the customers over mobile devices. It won't be wrong to say that , capturing the customers over their smartphones is equal to having them on all other platforms.

Why do I need a Mobile Friendly Website?

Before you start working to take your business to mobile friendly websites, the importance of mobile sites should be very clear in your mind. Let's look at some of the reasons that make these sites essential for your business.

  1. Over the past few years, the smartphones have become quite affordable. And with an all time increase in smartphone users, most of the people now prefer browsing over their phones rather than desktops.
  2. As the smartphone users are increasing, so is the mobile internet. And this creates a huge opportunity for online businesses.
  3. Having a mobile friendly website is a great help in SEO as these sites help in improving the rankings on search engines.
  4. Last but not the least: COMPETITION! No one wants to get beaten by their competitors. Even if you have a website for non-desktop devices but it is not mobile friendly, the internet users might end up switching to another site with a more compatible and hence, they will never come back to your website. And to be true, this can cause serious harm to your online business.

Things To Remember

There be a number of reasons for a business to have a mobile version of their website. No matter you opt for a Responsive Website or an altogether separate Mobile Website, mobile devices are a choice of most of the customers today and being accessible to all is the prime aim of a business. But it is important to keep certain things in mind while creating a website for mobile devices. The site should not take too long to load as people prefer using mobile sites primarily for saving time. The page size should be kept small in order to be able to load quickly on cellular networks. Along with this, the text size should also be considered. The site should be easy to navigate through.

How do I keep up with the changes?

At leading mobile apps design and development company in delhi ncr. Team of experts is here to help you optimize your website hence, helping in bringing in new customers and maintaining the existing ones. If you are ready to take your online business to a new level, Digital Patang will be a choice at your service!

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