The lure of getting something for free is strong in all of us, me included so when you're searching for the best free erotica online, it's so easy to enter a website and register just to gain instant access to their short erotic stories.

But what if I told you that, that is your first mistake?

What if I told you that you could easily avoid making this first crucial mistake simply by looking for the things on the short erotic stories websites that you must avoid?


  • Short erotic stories websites that do NOT have an age restriction, landing page.

Although not 100% secure, an 18+ landing page generally deters a very high percentage of underage children. The last thing you need is to unwittingly be watched by police because you're sexually chatting to an underage child and this is a federal offence which could land you a sexual offence, criminal offence and even worse, branded a sex offender/ paedophile

  • Short erotic stories websites that have ads and banners.

While this may not bother you, many website who have these lead to unknown links. Although some may look legitimate, proceed with caution as some may have viruses or be able to see what websites you like looking at on your browser.

  • Eroticstories websites that is associated with porn video websites.

Same as above.

  • Eroticstories website that are open for anyone to post their content.

On a very popular erotic stories website, a story was written of underage high school children. Now if this website was to be bashed all over social media and you're found to have been a regular user of that website, how do you think that would make you look to your friends, family or local community?

Now I'm not telling you this to scare you. I'm merely informing you of the very real reality of what could potentially happen to you.

So to save you time and any future hassles, I was, through 6 months of solid research, able to narrow it down to one erotica website that stood out to me the most and just to be fair, I'm sure there are many more.

Built from a scorned ex-housewife and single mother of one, this remarkable woman, quickly become an overnight sensation simply by sharing her personal diary. See how she dominated the erotica industry virtually overnight 

I guarantee that you've never seen anything quite like this in your life.

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