When you decide to volunteer and help the people, one of the hotbeds of volunteer work is India. Volunteering in India through iSpiice will help you learn, enjoy and serve the under privileged people of India.

iSpiice has a wide range of volunteer programs for you to choose from, if you want to make a choice, then Teach English program is a must do. Not only is it a source of community help, it also allows you interact with the children and hone your teaching skills. Here is low down on some of the reason why you choose the Teach English volunteer program to do.

Increases the Country's Rate of Literacy

The literacy rate of India stands at a rate an average 75% in the world. However, that number only takes India up to 105Th Spot out of the 125 countries looked at in the report.  The 25% that is left is usually the poorer, helpless people in India who are unable to get proper access to English and therefore have no real chance of uplifting their fortunes. Under the Teach English program iSpiice offers you a chance to change that and teach English to the underprivileged children.

Having the Chance to Teach Internationally

Teaching is different in different countries. Through the course of your volunteer in India you will see how different teaching in India is to the way it is done in your country. This means that for you to teach in English you will need to adopt the teaching practices and methods used by local teachers. This will not only ensure that you are able to teach the students well, it will also count as an international teaching experience for you, going a long way in helping you hone new skills.

Make their Future Bright

English is one of the most important languages in the world. Internationally as well as in India it is often used in reading, writing and even speaking. With your participation in the Teach English program you will be able to build a strong base of the language in those children.  This will not only help them comprehend what is being said in different subjects but also give them a chance to have a bright future.

Being a part of any program for volunteering can be a satisfying experience since you are doing you part to help someone in need. The Teach English program on the other hand is not only helping them in their lives, but your chance to potentially change their fortunes. The Teach English program, like many other such programs, is part of the volunteering in India efforts by iSpiice, which offers you a cheap and safe volunteering experience.


Source : articlesbase.com


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