Whether we look at men or women, we realise that having the right kind of hair style and the quality of the hair makes a lot of difference to one's appearance. There are several people, who have got hair treatments in Gurgaon and other cities of the world. They have reported in several noticeable and positive changes, thanks to hair replacement or growth enhancing procedures performed at spas and other beauty facilities. But, if you are looking for some DIY tips to men dry or damaged hair or to ensure your lustrous hair remains in top-condition always, then here are some useful tips for you to use regularly.

  • Shampoos and Conditioners – Select only those hair care products that ensure the moisture of your hair gets locked in. Some of these products strip your hair of their essential nutrients and moisture, thus causing them to break, fall or have split ends. Choosing the right kind of shampoos and conditioners, especially the latter, which must be well rubbed to your hair (an inch off your scalp), will certainly make a lot of difference to your hair in the long run, if not from the first wash.
  • Hair washing time – Always remember that just applying and washing off hair conditioner will not suffice. You should let the conditioner remain in your hair after being washed, for at least 15 minutes, so that the conditioner's nutrients get transferred t your hair.
  • Frequency – It is not necessary to wash your hair every single day, even if you have easy to manage short hair. Washing your hair every day will strip it off its natural shine, bounce and nutrients, and appear very dry or unattractive.
  • Home products as masks – Make your own hair mask using simple fruits and vegetables, such as avocadoes. These fruits are great for health but are also fantastic for hair because of their buttery and soft texture. After you have shampooed your hair, rub mashed avocado pulp to your hair (like you would apply a hair mask) and let it remain for at least 15 minutes. Then wash the avocado off and you will observe that the quality of your hair improves over some time.
  • Hot oil treatment – You can do this one right at home or at one of your spas. Just get the hot oil seeped straight through your scalp. With this, your hair can draw out the necessary nutrients from the scalp instead of relying on external and temporary treatments. To ensure the oil does its job, cover your hair in a shower cap, to be taken off when it's time for you to wash your hair (which would be at least an hour after oiling your hair and scalp).

So try some of these simple methods and have great hair days, every day.

Source : articlesbase.com


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