Organization Skills

Do you want to get more done without doing more?

Do you want to achieve more without working harder or longer?

Organization skills will help you and a key one of these is to group activities together.

In this article we will look at;

Why grouping activities improves your productivity

Grouping Activities

Multi-tasking seems like a great way to get more done, but all the research shows it's an ineffective way of working. Not only does it take a lot of energy to multi-task, moving from task to task means our brains have to "switch" between tasks. It's this "switching time" that makes us ineffective and causes us to make mistakes. Women take less time to switch than men which is probably why we think women are better multi-taskers.

To become more productive without draining your brain power try and group similar tasks together. You will sail through them more quickly and have more energy at the end of it. This is a much more energy efficient and effective way to work.

Use your organization skills to batch similar things together;

Emails Check them 2 or 3 times a day and spend no more than 15-20 minutes dealing with them. Phone Calls Make them at the time of day that suits your working style. For some this might mean the morning when we have more brain power, for others in the afternoon when less demanding tasks are more appropriate. Reading Make a pile and read through papers and documents in one go. You'll find it easier to focus and absorb the content. Meetings Planning days that you are in and days that you are out (or meeting days) is a great way to maximise your time. Some companies are now introducing "no meeting" days to help their teams get more done.

Grouping similar activities together enables you to get more done in less time, and it also enables you to do better quality work because your brain isn't spending precious time and energy having to change gear and approach.

Try grouping some similar activities together yourself and see if you notice any difference in the time it takes to get these done. Also notice the effect on your overall productivity and how you felt about doing these tasks.

Remember to use the time you gained to work on something that's really important to you, otherwise it may disappear due to the demands of every day.

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