If you have ever found yourself asking this question, then you need to evaluate a lot of things in your life. If you really want to know why your mom is special, try asking small kids around you why they feel their mummies are special and they will remind you of a lot of things that you have taken for granted. When you take the time to go through what your experience have been with your mother regardless of how old you are, you will appreciate her more because she truly is special. Here is a reminder of why your mum remains to be special.

She gave life to you. Sure, she did not do it alone, but she was the one who carried you to term and brought you into this world. She bore it all without complaining, loved you from the very beginning. No one really can take the place of your mother.

She molded you into the person you are. If you are a child, you probably feel like your mum is a little harsh when dealing with you but as you grow older you will realize that she instilled some pretty amazing values even during those harsh moments. As an adult, you are largely what your mother molded you to be and you should appreciate her for the good you now see in you. You probably are a good cook and homemaker because of your mother.

Her love is ever green. Nothing compares to a mother's love and that's a fact. In fact, mothers would give anything for the sake of their children because their love is immeasurable. She is the one person who has always been there for you in the good and the bad, loving you and praying for you.

She stands by you no matter what. Yes, you might not have turned out as she expected, but she never stopped caring or loving you. Even when others turn your back on you, you can be sure that your mum will never turn away. Mothers want the best for their children and they never stop believing that they can make a change for the better even in situations that seem hopeless for others. Your mum will be with you to the very end.

She is a mentor and a reliable advisor. Your mum tries hard to instill good values in your and to motivate you to be what you want to be. She will mentor you every way possible and offer you her wise counsel to help you make good decisions in life. It is therefore not a wonder that she is probably the first person you rush to when you are faced with a difficult situation because you know she will have a solution for you and will make you feel all better.

She goes out of her way to make you happy. For small kids, mothers turn into kids to play with them without caring what others think. They even set their needs asides just so they can provide you with what you need first. A mother thinks about her child's welfare before she thinks of her own. 

If you are still wondering why your mom is specialthen it should be a time that you really think about your relationship with your mother and why you have been so ignorant and ungrateful.

Source : articlesbase.com


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