When I was kid, all the way up through college, I did not like moving. My reasons being that I did not want to leave my school or friends. At that time, there were no cell phones or Skype available. Once you left your friends, you may not see them again. Writing letters only goes as far as the response. If you do not get a reply, the letter writing stops. I may write one more in case they are sick but no more than two without a response.

As an adult moving is different. My first moves were military moves. I call them expected moves so they were no big deal. I was single then. For all I know, the next move may be the one where I meet Miss Right. Potentially, there was something to look forward too. When you are single, the moves did not matter much. Even a year in Korea was not too big of a deal. On that move I left a girlfriend behind. She met someone else and got married.

The first move after I got married happened about a week after our wedding. We moved from sunny California to New York. We moved away from family to start out with a new job and new wife back east. To most, this would seem like a bad idea as we had three high stress areas: getting married, starting a new job, and moving. There was a lot of stress on the home front. Getting away actually provided some peace and allowed for a happy start to our marriage. It was just us. If someone had feedback for us that was negative, they were three thousand miles away. If we got bored, we would just go out and play in the blizzard for a little while.

We had to relocate about a year after the relocation to New York. We were just moving to a different location in New York to do the same position. There was no house to sell at the time. We were still happy renters at this time. Apartment renting can be harder than house hunting as inventory can be pretty low. We were in a small town. There was not that much available. We took an apartment in New York without air conditioning. I do not know what we were thinking as the summer months were pretty humid. We made it with a window air conditioning unit.

Without writing about every move, adult moves were different because of different worries. Outside of family, you did not worry too much about moving away from friends. There was a concern about new job positions. Every market has a unique set of people. Every boss is different. With no kids at the time, we did not have to relive my childhood worries with them.

Source : articlesbase.com


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