Time is the essence of life.

This holds true for advertising world also. Mobile advertising, without a perfect timing, is of no use.

Timing is the most crucial element to let your customers connect with your ads. If your ads reach your customers at a wrong time, then you are likely to destroy your chances of connection.

A good timing is all about reaching your customers when they need you. It's when your message is of some relevance to them. It's when customers don't feel annoyed with the message, but can feel connected.

Unfortunately, most advertisers focus on who and how, but they forget when.

Let's understand the difference between a good timing and a bad timing with an example of the ads between games.

Bad Timing - Interstitial ads are placed between the levels of game – these are full screen ads which appear during the pause between levels in a game. But do you really think these ads are making any impact on you, as a customer?

You are actually in the middle of your game, and probably just thinking about how to move ahead in game, and suddenly these ads come up. If you click on the ad, you will be out of the game and would land up where the ad was supposed to take you.

So, instead of making a positive impression, these ads leave negative impressions on customers. These ads act as an interruption during a game.

Good Timing - Instead of media rich full ads, postitial ads are a better way of engaging customers. These ads respect user's experience, and don't ruin it with unnecessary information at the wrong time. They appear at the right time (during a natural break) when users have the time to explore them. Also, these ads are 5 times more engaging than the interstitial ads.

Now, let's take a look at mobile ads which can be considered under GOOD TIMING!


Real- time Rich Multimedia Mobile Ads

  • Location Based

Location based advertising is a great way to get customers on your site.  Creating ads on customer's location will gain a lot of attention. And people won't avoid these ads like other ads.

  • Personalized advertising

Personalized advertising is the best way to engage customers. It creates an amazing customer experience, and allows brands to engage with users. Instead of annoying users with useless information, personalized advertising delivers the right information at the right time.

moLotus is one such personalized mobile communication platform which helps brands to drive revenue, increase cross-sell and up-sell value, and enhance customer loyalty with its direct and personalized approach. With moLotus, the question of spamming doesn't come in the picture. One of the major benefits of this service is that it comes directly to user's inbox and they can view it whenever they want.

As the festive season kicks in, brands can use moLotus to send personalized greetings, coupons, offers directly to customer's phone. Instead of physical cards, brands can greet their clients & customers in a more creative and innovative way. Also, these personalized automated mgrams will help in saving huge printing and mailing cost and also in generating leads.

This is undoubtedly the best way to make your customers feel special.

Now start playing these 'time games' to sustain in this marketing world, if you aren't already.  Best of luck!

Source : articlesbase.com


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