Women are a crucial part in any society. For any society to evolve and develop, the women must be actively engaged and treated as equals. Unfortunately, in this modern age and time, there are persons with a stone-age mentality who still treat the women as weaker and insufficient gender. There are communities which still thrive in subjecting members of the female gender as inferiors  and who take every chance available to harass them in a number of ways. These disturbing practices have given life to a number of nongovernmental organizations targeted at helping the women secure a safe place in the communities they live in and get equal chances as the men in all sectors of life.

Mission heal is one such organization which has been actively involved in the fight and preservation of the right of the women across the country. Unfortunately, a majority of the Indian women still lives in grave poverty, having to be dependent on their marriage partners to feed and clothe them. It is also a sad statistic that a majority of these women lives in slum and remote areas of the country. Although it is illegal to treat the women and subject them to traumatizing conditions, that still remains a theoretical view yet to be fully utilized on the ground.

The Indian government has been actively involved in the preservation of the rights of the women. The need to empower the women is also hardwired in the constitution of any developed country. As history has proved, no society can succeed without the input of the women who are treated as equals with men. Mission Heal has been in the frontline running endless sensitization campaigns, helping the local women earn their respectable stop in the communities they live in. Working hand in hand with the local government and other private organizations with the same goals, Mission Heal has been able to transform lives of hundreds of women in the Indian community. With the realization that no single entitle can fight the malice on its own, mission heal works hand in hand with all well wishers to ensure the just treatment and equal opportunity for the Indian women.

Empowering the women

To help empower the local women, mission heal runs a number of projects the first being proving the women with a platform where they can raise the issues affecting them and the change they want to see. Allowing the women to take part in making decisions relating to some crucial issues is one way through which mission heal helps nurture good social practices and integration.

Another way through which the organization has helped empower the women is by making sure that the women are equipped with marketable and income generating skills to be sell reliant and to be able to feed and cloththemselves  without relying on their marriage partners. Being dependent on someone makes them vulnerable to victimization which is why Mission heal has been actively involved in making sure that women are equipped with a set of skills which can easily be monetized. 

Source : articlesbase.com


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