Hair removal, also called depilation or epilation, is the conscious removal of hair from different parts of your body.  Men and women have hair all over the body especially on their heads, eyelashes and brows, pubic region, and extremities but they are thicker and more visible in men on their faces, arms and legs, chest and back.  Hair removal has been in vogue from time immemorial.  It is removed for aesthetic reasons, for medical, cultural, hygienic or sexual reasons.  Shaving is the most common method of hair removal but other more advanced forms like laser hair removal have developed over the years in New York.

 Reasons That Determine Hair Removal

The presence of body hair or its absence is determined on the basis of the culture of a region.  In western societies, the appearance of hair other than on the head, eyebrows and lashes is considered embarrassing and unattractive.  In countries where swimwear and short dresses are popular, women remove hair from under arms, legs, and arms or other parts of the body which is exposed by the dress.  Laser Hair Removal New York helps them conform to the aesthetic standards of the region.  Failure to conform could result in them being ostracized or not accepted by popular society.  The necessity of hygiene is what determines the removal of body hair from women in the Middle East.

 Gender Bias In Hair Removal

As far as hair removal is concerned, different standards apply for men and women.  Some women refuse to remove hair out of personal preference or as a rebellion against societal norms.  Men in most societies sport facial hair in the form of moustaches or beards.  Laser hair removal is popularly used by men in New York if they prefer clean shaven looks.  Head shaving is done to make a fashion statement, political statement, or to offset the appearance of male pattern baldness.  Shaving of facial hair contributes to a well groomed appearance.

Various Purposes behind Removal of Hair

Shaving of the hair on the scalp is done for religious or cultural reasons.  Widows in India were expected at one time to shave their heads to depict their status.  The adoption of monastic lives by Christian and Buddhist monks often leads to head shaving as a symbol of renunciation of worldly life.  Hair is also removed for medical reasons during surgery.  Laser hair removal techniques are effective in removal of all body hair to prevent infestations of lice and other parasites.

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