I clearly remember those days when print media was still one of the most effective and powerful mediums of disseminating news to the masses. However, with the emergence of digital media, things are rapidly changing and a growing number of people are taking to smart phones and tablets for their daily dose of news. The digital media has strongly impacted the field of journalism and those who wish to take up journalism should become aware of the different ways of approaching content in print and digital journalism. Read ahead to know more:

1.Knowledge of different aspects of digital arena

Unlike print journalists, reporters working for the digital space are expected to learn more about how search engines work, topics trending in the country and world, as well as other areas that would help market the news and the website.

2.Writing style

In this day and age, seldom do people have the time or the luxury to read lengthy news articles. People on the go prefer to read articles that are written in simple language and are to-the-point. If you are interested in journalism and mass communication and wish to get a job in the digital media, you should also keep in mind the short attention span of the people and the fact that the news is being read on small screens. Hence, unlike in print media, focus on forming simple yet impactful sentences.

3.Two-way process

In case of digital media, receiving feedback- both positive and negative- is highly common. The two-way interaction on the online platform makes the journalists more careful while writing their stories as well as more emotionally detached.


I am sure you must have seen a news notification pop up on your screen just minutes after any major happening across the world. Even though background research and accuracy of details is a must in any form of journalism, digital reporters do not always enjoy the luxury of time. They are expected to dig up and report up-to-the-minute details of any catastrophe or major event that's happening. However, compromising on the quality is not an option, which is why working in the digital space becomes a high-pressure job.

5.Use of audio-visuals

Unlike traditional media centred around text, digital media can utilise audio-visuals to make news more engaging for the users. For instance, addition of a slideshow of images or a video clip can add more life to a piece of news.

These are the things you would eventually have to do when you enter the real world of media. Before that, however, you should complete your education in journalism and mass media from a school like Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi or AAFT School of Mass Communication to expand your horizons.

Source : articlesbase.com


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