Email addresses can be harvested from a vast number of sources. Lets see what are these various sources:

 Email Service providers

This is the prime source of getting email ids as most of us use Gmail & various other mailing providers for messaging purposes. Thus it becomes a prime source of getting email ids. Now it is impossible to search email ids from a mailing account because there could be thousands of email ids in them. So, for this you require an email extractor tool that has the efficiency to harvest email ids from these service providers.


Another important destination for email ids. Considering business purposes this could be a crucial source of harvesting email addresses. All the enterprises & corporations enlist themselves on Internet & its the only place from where you can get email ids. But it is a time & effort taking process. For this tool you require an Internet Email Extractor that can harvest email ids form Internet. Today web email extractors have choices rigged in them that whether you want to harvest email ids through URLs or Keywords. Thus you can get email ids according to your choice.

 Outlook & Express

We all know that Outlook is the best way of managing email account. This can be another way of fetching email addresses. The options provided by this section is similar to the service provider ones. But sometimes the .PST & .DBX file of Outlook & Express respectively. An Outlook Email extractor can solve your problem of getting email ids. Such tools are available at an accessible rate in the field.


Last but not the least files. This method is less used in today's scenario but whenever employed it is employed in huge amount. Sometimes you get email ids from sources in files of different formats. Thus you require file email extractor tools that can fetch email ids for you. Remember these tools should even extract email ids from PDF & HTML file formats. As these formats too have bulk of email addresses.


Now you have learnt about the sources but what lets see about those tools that you require to harvest these sources. Windowindia presents a series of email extractors that fulfill all requirements of getting email ids from different sources. You will get tools   to fetch mail addresses from Internet, Files, Outlook and even service providers. They are really quick & accurate in their job. Along with their primary functions the tool also serve saving options to the users. They are adaptive to all variants of windows you install them in. They are the best email extracting tools available in the market at an accessible rate.

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