Marriage is a decision reached by two individuals but that is not always the case when it comes to the divorce which can be initiated by one side regardless of whether the other party wants it or not. The majority of these events are bitterly contested because the two sides cannot agree or one side doesn't want it to happen. This is one of the primary reasons why a family attorney should be contacted and hired for the individual parties. When kids are involved it is heartbreaking to watch them get used as pawns that the adults are using to gain the upper hand or to get other things that they want. In some situations it is nothing more than a desire to avoid paying child support that motivates the individual to sue for sole or primary custody but again the law is meant to protect and look for the best interests of the child.<br In Cleveland, Ohio, the child custody lawyers will start out by asking lots of questions to establish the home situation in both households. If sole custody is being requested then you will need to support this with facts like history of domestic abuse, alcohol or drug use or other criminal behavior. Your attorney will be able to explain the legal parameters and help you with making decisions about additional services such as home visits and child services to help in establishing your case. This is one of the biggest reasons why you should never try to handle this type of case on your own because if you lose then there are people several that will suffer. Shared parenting is the normal desire of the court but that does not mean that it is in the best interests of the child so ask questions related to this topic until you are comfortable with the responses you receive. Once the court makes a decision and the papers are signed and sealed then both sides must abide by the terms so it is necessary to get this set before anything is finalized. You can go back and modify the rights at a later time but that usually requires a time frame and a change in circumstances in order for it to be reasonably considered by the judge. The right child custody lawyers in Cleveland, Ohio know how to get the information they need to make your case through detective work, documentation and financials. The best part is that they have the objectivity to look at the facts and walk their clients through this emotional process. You can jump online and find the best lawyers by looking at their experience, record of success and areas of specialty. Once you have narrowed down the list, you can schedule an initial consultation with the attorney where you can review all the facts and then they can determine if they want to take your case or not. Make sure that you look for a family law firm that handles child custody , visitation, alimony and support as these decisions will affect your future and that of your children.

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