The standard ratio of technician versus engineer is one engineer against every ten technicians. In a mad rush for opening up the technical education the total number of engineering seats stand nearly one and a half million and that's quite a number, and therefore, the importance of selecting a good engineering college is of prime importance. In Mumbai, there are twenty-two Architecture colleges. A few of the best Architecture colleges in India are in Mumbai and there are a few very good new entries also. The demand for modern buildings will grow exponentially in the commercial capital is a natural corollary and the demand for skilled professionals will create an atmosphere of the more educational institute will follow the logic and that is what happened in Mumbai.

The faculty matters

However, the main things that a student needs to evaluate before choosing his college are the faculty, the infrastructure and the overall ambiance of the college. The importance of the faculty is the foremost. It is of prime importance that the knowledge base of the concerned faculty is broad and profound; the faculty must remain updated and aware of the development in the industry and has some working knowledge of the application part of the knowledge in the industry. The authorities of the newly opened Architecture college in Mumbai pay due importance on certain factors while appointing their faculties. The industry exposure and publications of the faculties are given due weight.

The College Infrastructure

The students have little control over selecting the educational institute especially the engineering colleges because of the admission procedure followed in engineering colleges except for the best students. Therefore, the student will have to accept what is offered or almost forfeit his turn, but even then the student has the option of making a choice list at the time of application and before the counseling starts. It is the duty of the student to verify the infrastructure of the college before making the final choice. The newly opened college for Architecture in Mumbai is compatible with the best colleges for Architecture spread over the country and is equivalent.

Incorporating the changes

Like every other specialized field, the field of architecture has witnessed a paradigm shift in the field of architecture. For example the basic criteria of a shelter are to give warmth and protection, now the best part of India is active seismic zone, it is blessed with brilliant sunshine and moderate rain. Therefore, the modern architect will design the structure with enough safety margins, make the dependence on fossil fuel less by utilizing the power of the Sun and will best use the downpour through rainwater harvesting. The Civic authorities of Mumbai are making these utilizations compulsory over the architect and the Top college for Architecture in Mumbai has designed the courses to give their students hands-on training on the recent changes.

Updating the library

The Library is an integral part of the engineering education especially the journals. The scientific journals used to publish the latest researches and the coming changes in the technology and technique. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the college library has access to all international journals and online libraries to help their students. Hopefully, this is one of the deciding factors for the accreditation process adopted by NAAC the apex body. The best colleges for Architecture are all aware of the fact and make their library a heaven for the knowledge seekers.

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