One of the fastest ways to get into shape and achieve your fitness goals is to find a good personal trainer who can keep you on track and in tune with your aspirant self-image. Delhi has grown its demand for fitness resources tremendously over the last decade. A personal trainer in Delhi, 10 years ago was an extremely rare and exotic resource that usually only celebrities and some models could find and afford. Fast-forward to today and personal training is a necessity for anyone who deems his or her interest in fitness even slightly above average.

Certifications matter the least!

This might sound counter intuitive but invest an hour of research and you will find that getting a personal trainer certification is unbelievably easy. One can get dozens of certifications online and the personal trainer's ability/knowledge is not truly put to test. It's like giving an open book exam! If you hire a personal trainer based on his certification, you may be hiring somebody who has no clue about any discipline. Instead what you want to focus on is the basics – talk to him about your goals, see what insights he provides you, ask for previous success stories and testimonials, look at his own physique! (It's funny how many personal trainers in Delhi are themselves completely out of shape!) And finally any credible PT will give you a free or low cost trial session to gain your confidence before you sign up for the long haul.

Fitness is a feeling

Do you know what the no.1 factor is that determines whether you will achieve your fitness goal or not? It is whether you enjoy what you are doing or is it a burden/chore that you must endure. When you go out to hire a personal trainer in Delhi be sure to see how you feel training with this individual. Can he make it fun and motivate you? Does he know how to draw out your inner beast? The best personal trainers know how to completely change a person's mind state and get them into the mood to not just exercise but completely own their work out!

Find freelancers or small gyms

Another counter intuitive point is that sometimes you find a champion personal trainer in a small facility rather than one of those big brands and the reason for this is simple. The freelancer/small gym people that dare to venture out on their own and build a name for themselves have to be substantial and powerful people otherwise the market would wipe them out where as the personal trainers of Delhi's bigger gyms have had the crutches and support of their system all along. Another point that sets these two breeds apart is the thirst for knowledge and experimentation. The freelancer is continuously growing himself because he has to otherwise survive a shrewd city like Delhi that will turn oblivious to his existence and skill. But there is no such healthy pressure on the personal trainers of big brands. This is not to say that you don't find some really good trainers under names like gold's, fitness first etc but the odds of finding a champion-maker are much more out in the wild!

Final Word

To sum it up, I would say if you're looking to hire a Personal Fitness Trainer in Delhi, think of it as an adventurous project that will require some traveling, interaction and trial and error before you finally find the one who will assist you in your epic transformation.

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