If you want to resolve any civil matters or criminal issues, then you must encounter a certified attorney or a lawyer. They also resolve different issues of couples such as divorce, child custody, parenting arrangements etc. You can meet a special family lawyer if you want to resolve any family issues. You require a family counsellor you can provide legal counselling and representation services. The attorney whom you choose should be certified from the recognized university and should be extensively experienced in the area of Family Law and Child custody. Also, the attorney should be able to produce high level presentation.

Family lawyers resolve different types of family issues such as child issues, resolution of family dispute, divorce, family disputes, protection and child care law, parenting arrangements, family counselling etc. He is well-versed with the matters of 'Family Law'. In Australia, many people require a family lawyer to resolve the issues such as land dispute, family disputes, or other civil problems.

Family Dispute Resolution

A mediator is required to resolve the matter of family disputes when parental separation takes place. Such attorneys deeply focus upon children's requirements so that they can be allocated to a right parent. It is a mediation process that takes place before preceding the client to the court. The role of a mediator is to settle the differences between the two parties so that they can avoid separation. Even, after the process of mediation, they are not able to unite, and then they can conclude to separate. The fees of mediation are relatively lower and hence before planning for a separation, you can meet a mediator. If you are the resident of Parramatta, then you can encounter Family Lawyers Parramatta to resolve the dispute. The mediators are independent practitioners and they are not associated with the court judges. If you are experiencing any family related problem, then you can encounter Family Lawyers Parramatta.

Children's problems

When the parents are to be separated, then the child should be handed over to a right parent. So, in this case, the Family Court will write an application stating that both the parents should undertake responsibility of the child equally. The family attorney will also systematically share child's responsibility to both the parents, but they undertake some long-term decision. The child should preferably stay with mother for a certain period of time, and then handed over to the father.

Parenting arrangements

The parents should prepare a parenting plan in writing and the plan should be signed by both the parents. In the plan, the parents should mention the time the child should spend with his or her parents. Also, they should mention about resolution of disputes in the future and undertaking future decisions for the parents. They should also produce a consent order to the court so that the court agrees with the parents.


In the process of divorce, the court should decide the compensation that should be paid to the parties. They should also decide the compensation that should be paid to the child. The attorneys of Parramatta resolve the matters of family disputes, by explaining to them about the process from preparing a parenting plan to financial settlement.

Property disputes

Such disputes may take place between the couples during the time of separation or between the relatives. So these matters are resolved evaluating the property, inducing an agreement and court proceedings.

So, the lawyers Parramatta try to resolve the family disputes by proper counselling, assisting them to resolve legal formalities. The lawyers  in Parramatta also try to avoid complicated issues such as separation.

Source : articlesbase.com


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