Having an electric golf cart is a great investment, and one that should be cared for properly. After all, whether you purchased your golf cart solely for making it easier to navigate the golf course, or because you have a great deal of property and want to traverse it with ease, electric golf carts are a great mode of transportation.

However, as with anything, if you don't take care of it, it will eventually be useless. So, to ensure that your electric golf cart always works at the top level of its performance, here are some key areas to invest time, and when necessary, money into.

Basic Electric Golf Cart Maintenance

Watering – We are all familiar with watering the lawn or the garden, but did you know that an electric golf cart's battery must also be watered? While newer electric golf carts do not need to be watered often, as time goes by it ill be necessary to  water the golf cart's battery  every other month. During high humidity more water will be needed while cooler weather will require less.  The only exception to watering the battery is if you have a sealed battery.  Be sure you know how much water is needed for the battery, as too much or too little can cause significant issues.

Battery Cables – About once a month, take a few minutes to check the status of the battery cable. Be sure to look for any corrosion or buildup of grime. Remove any dirt, and see that cables are attached tightly. You should also test the flexibility of the cables. Good cables will be flexible, while those needing to be replace or getting old will be brittle.

Windshields – These can be cleaned with water and a microfiber towel. Plexiglas scratches easily, so do not use any chemical cleaners or rough towels on it.

Tires – Like the tires of your vehicle, golf tires need to be properly inflated. Electric golf carts with 8" tires can be inflated to 28 to 30 pounds, while 10 to 12" tires can be inflated to up to 30psi. Do not use air from a pressurized can.

The Body – As the same paint used on vehicles is used for golf carts, you can clean your cart the same way, and use the wax of your choice. Just be sure that any of the products used are not abrasive, are not applied in direct sunlight, or when temperatures are over 100 degrees.

Electric golf cart maintenance is not a long process, but can make a big difference in the lifespan of your golf cart. If you have questions about to extend the life of your golf cart, talk to your local salesperson, or give the pros at RM Golf Carts of Plymouth a call.

Source : articlesbase.com


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