Post 1: Explain how to do something step by step ...

In this type of post you have to explain to readers through a step-by-step, how to achieve a goal they have set or how to find an answer to their problem.

Here's an example:

How to attract visitors from Google?

There are some simple strategies to follow to be able to attract readers to your blog. And 'essential that you be able to create content to appear among the first results displayed by search engines.

1. First, you have to identify what are the keywords, or keywords that are most typed by readers on search engines.There are online tools that show the most popular keywords. Hundreds of other players will stand by pointing to them, then you have to opt for the phrase of a few words that are not in great demand, but it allows you to be in the top results.

2. Once you have chosen your keyword, you have to write an article that is based on it. Also you need to put in the title and in the text, for two times every 100 words. For example, if the keyword is "to have six-pack", you write a headline like this: "10 tips to get six pack"

3. Last point: your article should be enjoyable reading, coordinated and simple.

After put into practice these three steps I have just explained, you'll see that visits your blog will begin definitely to rise!


Post 2: From the "tips and tricks"

People like the suggestions, then you have to do is write articles that give advice and, in this way, you'll get more visitors to your blog and at the same time, you can advertise a product or service.

For example you could write a post with the 10 best tips for six pack, including practical tips, adding the reasons that show your readers that you are giving good advice and correct. Here are some tips that you can use:

- Basic requirements for abdominal envy have the patience and the willpower to do because you have to exercise every day;

- You must try to reduce bloating, eliminating sodas and sugar;

- Avoid overeating and you prefer snacks ..

- Do a aerobic intensity exercise to work off the excess fat. You can not have six pack without first eliminating the excess belly!

- Eat a lot of protein, when it comes to strengthening the muscles they win on carbohydrates. Prefer, therefore, white meat in your diet.

- You have to fight constipation to eliminate bloating. Drink plenty of fluids to help you in this your goal.

- Chew slowly: slow assimilation of food is more effective compared to finish everything quickly.

- Very important it is the hydration and therefore you have to drink a lot, about 2 liters of water a day. You can also make liquid drinking tea or herbal tea.

- In addition to all this advice, of course, you also need to perform physical exercises targeted to abdominal.

Post 3: Provide a "new information"

In this post you will need to tell something new and interesting that will attract the curiosity of your visitors. You must be able to explain to your readers why this news will be so useful that affect their lives.

For example, through a story, you will need to convince your readers that eating less does not help you lose weight!

You could develop your article, arguing that after an initial phase of weight loss, the body will store every single calorie to cope with the decline and, for that, you will tend to have more body fat.

You always have to provide an argument and then articulate it with explanations and concepts that will help your visitors to understand the reason of your post and to find solutions to their needs.

Post 4: Get a "position"

Take sides on an issue involves the removal of some readers, but also the strengthening of the relationship with the readers who follow more your blog.Also a hot and controversial topic can attract new readers to your blog.

For example, a post that can elicit different ideas and makes deploy readers on two opposing sides could refer to topics on which people often have different thoughts, as a matter of policy, educations, power. You must therefore be able to dismantle the ideas of readers who think differently from you, by giving precedence to your opinions as if they were the only possible and correct ideas.

Those who think like you will continue to read your blog, and those who think like you will make bad publicity, but will speak to you and your blog, attracting more and more visitors curious and quick to criticize!

Here's an example:

Marketers: Do not lie to your customers!

Some marketers should not be called as such because they should be ashamed of not being honest with their customers. If you are honest marketers should not lie to your customers, if you care about them, you should not make fun of them and tell lies to get them more money.

Unfortunately these incidents happen more and more frequently and certainly not conducive to our business. I think that you too will be noticed that there is untruth in our industry and in our market.

It is circulated as lies:

• Sales letter with stories of people who are able to solve problems and then it turns out it's a fake story and invented by a copywriter just to attract visitors and thus increase its sales.

• Slogan reciting that sales end at midnight, however, you learn that two days after the sale is still valid and active.

• Images and screenshots retouched untrue.

• Fake Testimonial

... And many more bad lies.

Sellers, once unmasked, they justify saying that everyone behaves well, which is part of the game, which are not lies but just exaggerations. They also argue, to try not to blame themselves, that their buyers are aware that marketing is made-up stories.

But I'm sick of these things and I will absolutely not buy anything from those who profess to marketers and then lie shamelessly only to rack up a few euro more. All this is neither ethical nor moral.

If you want to tell stories, you can safely publish science fiction books. I ask you to be honest, to tell the truth and I assure you that your customers will follow you faithfully and earn equally, knowing they will be clean money.


Post 5: Answer the "critical"

As soon as your posts are starting to be popular and read by many people, surely there is someone who will criticize. Do not worry, you do not have to do is take this opportunity to write another article which will focus precisely on this criticism, to show that it is totally false!

So, you have to write an article explaining, with a number of points, because these criticisms are unfounded.

Here's an example to better understand:

The article spoke of targeted online sales.

So, you must not do is list the benefits of online shopping, than those in supermarkets:

- You can buy from the comfort of your home, without wasting time and without having to turn to a thousand stores in search of what you need.

- You can buy at any time, without having to respect the timetable of the store, which at times may not be appropriate for you.

- You offer a wide range of products from all over the world, which often are not found in stores.

- Another thing is the convenience, because often you can find many discounted products online compared to store prices

- Nowadays many sites have protection systems for purchases made by credit card, so another advantage is definitely the safety of your purchases.

- The protection is guaranteed and often the products is made possible.

So, as you can see, despite the sale online is often criticized, you can overturn the negative thesis explaining all the advantages concerning that activity or that subject, emphasizing instead the merits.

Post 6: Talk of "mistakes not to make"

Because people do not like to make mistakes, you have to do is very simple: do not tell them how to do it!In addition, if you will specify that listening to you will not lose time and money, they will be even more tempted to read your post, because as we all know, people want to enhance their time and what they need is an article that goes straight to the point.

For example, if you need to find a job, what he does for you is a guide on the mistakes not to do at a job interview. Here are some points that you develop:

 - Do not dress in an eccentric way, you may draw attention away from what is really important: how you are and what you can do.

 - Avoid putting stakes timetable: sembreresti little elastic and available.

 - Do not ask too many questions: might seem talkative and too sure of yourself, or on the contrary very insecure and looking for confirmation.

- Do not ask how much is the salary, especially if this is your first experience: you seem attached to money.

- Do not be late for the interview, you had a bad shape and because it could affect the outcome of the interview and could pass for a potential latecomer.

People do not like to make mistakes and that is why we are looking for tips to avoid losing the occasions of their lives. And you, with your articles can help and at the same time, you can attract visitors to your site.

Posts 7: Suggest the "Resources"

Another very appreciated by the readers of your blog that does not make you lose precious time, is to provide a list of the best books, films, tools and resources online for free or for a fee.

Readers like to have this information available in a single post, without having to search the web desperately because, in this way, they find it more convenient to find the information they need in minutes.

All you need to do is to help the visitor, presenting him with the resources that will be useful, for example, in his work. If your readers are online, you can suggest a number of resources that have to learn to develop their business.

For example:

Once you purchased host and domain, there are additional expenses and your content, along with your blog, and only appear to be independent of your property.• You can choose from thousands of free themes and graphics.• You can install hundreds of plugins to extend its functions and make it more powerful.• You can use banner or affiliate systems as you see fit in order to make money with your blog.• You can work on your theme and feel to suit your tastes and your needs.• You can also get internal statistics and all other functions of adding the plugin jet pack but be careful I do not recommend this plugin has created some problems.

Amazon Kindle Marketplace.

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To know how the market goes, what visitors type into search engines, such as moving your market, in which direction it is going and that words used to find a particular product, a particular niche, etc .. you always have to try to optimize your content in search engines. Well does all this for you. You can use this website to find out everything you need to develop your site and your business.

We all info marketers have a common problem that is to protect our infoprodotti once we have them created. Here is a completely FREE service where you can protect your infoprodotto! Indeed creates a secure page ready for delivery.

One of the online services is safer Mailchimp that allows you to create mailing lists, which are very useful for the work of us info marketer. It is only after Aweber, another site that performs the same service, but otherwise daAweber with Mailchimp can also take advantage of a "Free Plan" that gives you the ability to manage your own mailing list up to a maximum of 2000 free leads.

This site collects all freelance projects that are in the world, divided into more than 50 categories, and has an active upgrade every 5 minutes. There are projects of all types and for all tastes, such as programmers, web designers, translators, graphics. This online service can help you if you are looking for employees who have carried out some work that can contribute to your business and that you are not able to play because maybe not within your expertise ..

I am sure that after you have written an article with all these tools, your visitors will come back to read you more often and you will have gained a lot of visits.


Post 8: Show a "Case Study"

If you want to promote a product or service, you have to prove that this works!

To do so, there is evidence tried and tested by some people who have used the product or service in question and were very satisfied. Therefore, they talk about their experience in a so-called Case Study.

For example:

Lucia explained how he has lost 9 kg in 2 weeks following the diet Plank.

Lucia has described what foods favored to reach his goal:

1st week: Lucia has followed a strict diet, eliminating almost all fibers and carbohydrates, and has focused on protein and coffee, which give energy.

2nd week: Lucia ate mainly animal protein, ham, eggs and salad.

At the end of the second week, Lucia has lost 9 kg, now not only have to keep the goal achieved by following a balanced diet, drinking a lot and doing physical activity.

With this type of article, in essence, you can show your readers valuable testimony to the validity of a product or service so that you do an idea whether to buy it or not. If a visitor is looking for experiences of a product you are interested in, you will be its "savior" and will certainly give him what he seeks.


Posts 9: Make "review of a product"

To promote a product, you must also make a review talking about both of his weaknesses, but also highlighting its strengths.

A review that omit the weaknesses would not be very credible and you would lose the trust of your customer because, as we all know, that everything has its advantages but also its shortcomings. So you have to talk about the disadvantages of the product, but then you have to give precedence to the benefits in order to win your readers and, finally, to ensure they buy that product.

For example, during the review of the book "Become the Leader of the Pack" Cesar Milan is specified that it is not a book for dog training, but it is a book that allows you to train master and, consequently, dog behavior will be improved. Milan knows very well the behavior of dogs and then you will give great advice. There are all the ingredients for the dog training and you are suggested to exercise your dog, give him to impose discipline and affection: in the book explains everything perfectly.

So the downside is that this book gives advice to train the dog, but its purpose, however, leads to a win-win result for both the master and for the dog, so it pays to be bought!

Post 10: Talk of "direct sale promotional"

Sometimes you'll not be able to directly explain to your readers how to do something because you do not have the expertise.

But you can do it is to advertise a book, a guide, a manual written by some professionals and experts in the profession who teach or give some tips on some particular topics. It 'a technique infallible, because compenserai your gaps directly promoting a manual written by a professional in the field: if you can not be you the one that meets the needs of readers' responses, then "uses" the knowledge of others!

For example, one of these books is The Manual for Industrial Design, a resource essential to learn about innovative techniques and materials that today affect the design industry worldwide.

On the internet it is not easy to find comprehensive information on the product design of design and processing of materials, which is why your readers should consult a comprehensive manual, able to tell them everything they need and solve all their doubts about.

Now that you understand how to increase reputation, visits, registrations and sales from your blog, what aspects?


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