In this particular blog post, you are going to learn some of the benefits of podcasting and why you should consider podcasting for your business, personal branding, etc.

I will explain to you why you should podcast for your business, your personal blogging, or your personal brand, for that matter, or anything else you want to podcast.

Let's get started, shall we?

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#1 Benefit – Simple

The number one reason, I believe, you should podcast is because it's simple!

It's like talking on a phone with a friend. That's just podcasting if you really think about it.

You're talking to a friend over the phone and giving your friend advice on how to do X, Y, and Z. That X, Y, and Z could be anything. It could be relationship advice. It could be how to fix his or her computer or how to fold laundry. Obviously, I'm exaggerating. Nobody wants help learning how to fold laundry. Maybe some people do. If you're in that business, you might need that. Or it could be how to work out. You can give your friend a few tips on how to work out over the phone.

I believe, in a nutshell, that is podcasting - giving advice over voice.

#2 Benefit – Easy

It is very easy. You just get in front of the microphone and start talking like you would if you were talking to your friend, who just wants your help. It is as simple as that, guys.

Let us pretend, for a second, your friend needs help in the category of how to lose weight. You know how to lose weight, or at least, you can help. You have some kind of knowledge about how to lose weight. We will pretend you know a few things about how to lose weight.

Fair enough? Fair enough, I believe.

I'm going to be your friend, and I'm going to ask you a question. Let's play this out, shall we?

Let's pretend your name is John, or it could be Jane, whatever you prefer. I'll just pretend your name is John, and I'm going to ask you:

"Hey John, I need to know how I can lose ten pounds, and I will like to do it within a three month period. Can you give me some advice please?" You, John, will say, "Sure Mark, this is what you need to do. First, you need to start eating right and not eat any of the crappy fried food. That would be number one advice. My second advice will be to start building muscle, because muscles are going to help you lose weight. The more muscles you have, the more weight you are going to lose, even when you are sleeping. Number three, you need to join a gym, obviously, and then plan your workout in a way that is ... That way, you are not overtraining it, so it could be spread out over the week.

Try going to the gym twice a week, and then on the other two days, go for a walk, could be a mile, could be at two miles, or whatever it is you can do. Then after that, build yourself up to three days a week going to the gym and one day of cardio, simple as that."

That could help me to start working out.

This conversation could take place over the phone over the course of five minutes. Then I'll take that advice, and I'll run with it, and I'll do it, and it's simple.

That's how easy it is to podcast.

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