Whether it is putting up a new office altogether or to retouch and old one, a simple step by step process would ensure you are going on the right track saving your precious time and money at the same time. Lots of energy and time go into planning the details of the office and if it doesn't meet the purpose, all goes waste. You have a vision of what you want, your design partners have their own ideas and you need to make sure you're all on the same page. This is essential to make the whole process a success. This has to be communicated and incorporated into the design process to make it a success. How do you do that? By taking your time, being thorough and following these steps:

Make your needs clear

Before making any move, it has to be made clear that you and your design team are on the same page. This can be done with a simple meeting. Tell them how many people will be using the office, what you want the vibe to be, your likes and dislikes, your budget, and your time frame. Do you want to allow for collaboration between workers, or would you prefer each one is given their own space? How many visitors do you have and how do you want them to be greeted? Do you want your managers to be separated from their staff or close by for easy access? The more information you can provide, the better. It is highly recommended to make the things clear before picking up designs and colours for the office as it will help considerably to produce the most appropriate creative brief summarizing everything you have communicated.

Undertake the required Research

Permit your design team to evaluate the office space. If you are working on a future office space, blueprints will suffice. Another important aspect of research is to talk with your staff to see what is important to them. It is advisable to allow the design team perform their research and pick the most appropriate design that best suits their productivity and work positively on employee's morale.

Choose the ambiance

Allow the team to pick up a mood theme for your office. This entails the choice of colours and furniture. One look at the blueprint and the choice will provide you the final look it will give. You can either approve it f it suits your vision of can ask for certain changes. Making changes at this level is most appropriate as it will save you any other costs associated with the procurement.

Pick up the details

Once the layout and colour scheme have been decided, it's time to start working on the details. Your design partners will do all the work, you simply need to be available to approve or reject their choices.

Get the boat sailing

Don't be afraid to speak up if you aren't 100 percent satisfied with what is shown, because once the design team receives your approval and gets to work, it might be too late to take it back.

Source : articlesbase.com


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