Generally people in our society think that peer pressure happens in the age of childhood and it is will power, only with which it can be survived. However, what people don't necessarily understand is the fact that peer pressure happens at any age and time. The reason why people feel pressured is because we want to "belong" or to blend in wherever we are and do not want people to pass verdict on us. It is a human instinct. Nevertheless, that does not mean that we always break down due to the pressure. It's up to us to stay strong and do what our heart desires. Here are five ways to resist peer pressure and not succumb to it no matter what:

  • Learn to say NOSaying "no" on your friends doesn't make you an alien or a bad friend. If you get the feeling that whatever favor your friend is asking will end up badly for you then say NO. Speak out. You don't always have to do the same stuff that your friends are doing. Try talking them out of it. Always remember that a good friend will never do anything that will hurt his friend.
  • Know your limitsNever compromise your work or studies for other stuff that your friends love to do. If your friends think that you're a "kill joy" then let them think. Always remember that true friends will always understand your situation. Try to make it up to them some other time.
  • Don't Live beyond Your MeansWith advancements of technology, we can easily stalk other people. With just one click we can easily see what they're buying, what they're wearing, or where they're going. It doesn't mean that if a friend or someone bought the newest gadget, you also have to buy yourself a new one. Going with the latest trend doesn't always makes you "in". Being yourself alone and appreciating all the things you already have is enough to make you stand out.

  • Be yourselfThe thing about being in group is that we tend often imitate what the others people are doing even though we are uncomfortable with it. We do this just because we wanted to be accepted. But being accepted does not mean that you have to change yourself. It means that you should never hide who you are. Be yourself. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who is true to herself.
  • Choose the right friendsChoose only those people with whom you can be yourself and even avoid peer pressure. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to do great things, those who will accept your shortcomings and friends that will accept you no matter what you are. The people who we choose to be with will either pull us down or lift us up.


Peer pressure comes in different forms. It is always up to us if we will let it get into our system. We just have to be strong and know our priorities for us not to be carried away by this pressure. With these 5 tips you can avoid being a cliché and enjoy being yourself without any pressure from society.

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