Commuting is not something most people look forward to doing.  It's time from our day that seems to be completely wasted just trying to get from point A to point B. And who's got time for that?  But maybe we can find ways to take advantage of this 'wasted' time.  Here are 3 ways we can improve our daily commute:

1. LISTEN:  Yes, you can listen to music on your ride to work.  But with SO many podcasts out there, why not listen to learn & be inspired too? Some of my favorite podcasts you should definitely check out:

SOULFEED — SoulFeed is a podcast for you to transform, take charge of, and master your career, relationships, and life. When you need inspiration, a spiritual workout, or a shift in perspective, life coaches Shannon Algeo and Alex Kip give you what you need. Each episode brings you a motivational interview with a powerful leader -OR- an inspiring life coaching session with someone ready to step into a world of endless possibilities. Every episode includes a weekly challenge + a downloadable meditation for you to access on-the-go.

Joel Osteen Podcast – This is a weekly audio Podcast from Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.  Each week you can enjoy this ministry resource which will always encourage you & inspire you to be your best self.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast — Dr. Dyer may have crossed over to the other side, but you can still tune in to discover his wisdom and remarkable insights.  He is a world-renowned spiritual teacher and foremost authority on how the power of your mind creates your world. Dr. Dyer's weekly talk show on explores the power we have as individuals to create and manifest events in our lives. Hear lively discussions on how you can move past fear and into love. He is beyond awesome! 


2. READ:  Yes, you can read the newspaper and keep up with current events!  But what about reading something that can fulfill and reward you in a more personal way?  Some things I'm currently reading that I encourage you to check out:

Modern Buddhism (volume 1 Sutra) — This eBook Modern Buddhism – The Path of Compassion and Wisdom, in three volumes, is being distributed free of charge!  It's a practical guide to the common spiritual paths which lead us to fulfill our common wish – to attain both permanent liberation from suffering, and pure and everlasting happiness.  Download it today!

The Impersonal Life — It's a book that Elvis read and shared with the world because it spoke to him in a way that brought him spiritual awareness.  It's a calming and spiritual text that can lets you focus on your soul and can bring you closer to understanding your self. 

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life — One of many Wayne Dyer books that is truly inspirational!  In this book, Wayne has studied the 81 verses of the Tao Te Ching or "the Great Way" and written 81 essays on how to apply this ancient wisdom in today's world.  He offers advice and guidance that is truly amazing!


3. WRITE: Yes, you can jot down your to-do list for the day or update your FB status.  But why not write something of value that can expand your mind & bring joy to your spirit?  Some things I like to write on my commute:

Subway Diaries — I've got a moleskin notebook in my bag that I call my "subway diaries" book.  It's a journal I keep only for subway rides.  I can use it to observe something interesting about my commute I'd never noticed before.  I can reflect on something that's been bothering me.  I can get creative and work my commuter complaints into a blog post.

Notes App — If I don't have my notebook, I can just type straight into the notes app on my phone!  This one is great, because we've all got our phones with us all the time.  So when I'm stressed or anxious and just don't know what to do with that nervous energy (especially when there are subway delays), I pull out my phone and just write whatever comes to mind.  It's a mental dumping and clearing of my thoughts.  It's an incredible exercise you should try!

Whatever you do, try to make the most of your time traveling!  And the key is to make it a habit – so that you will actually begin to look forward to this time as your time to do your thing…Listen, Read, Write!

Today I'm grateful for my commute, because it gives me time to read.

What makes you grateful for your commute?  What do you do while you commute?  What are you reading?  Listening to?  Writing?  Please share as we can all benefit from some inspiring new stuff to add to our commutes!

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