Acquiring and retaining talent are the most important aspects of any organization. In the entire gamut of talent acquisition, candidate identification is the first step.

Whether you are searching across social media or through general Internet search options, following the below-mentioned practices can enable you to hire the appropriate candidate and thus ensure retention for a long time.

  1. 1.       Think Properly Before Searching

Well, before chopping a tree, it's better to spend more hours in sharpening the axe. Once the axe is properly sharpened you can chop the tree in one go. So, as a recruiter you should be aware about the particular keywords and of course the job description before searching candidates.


  1. 2.       Avoid Overanalyzing Resumes

It might happen that once you get hold of a resume, you end up overanalyzing it. However, it's not what you want here to be. So, it is advisable that you spend only 10 to 20 seconds going through a resume. Scan a resume do not read it.


  1. 3 Avoid Running Basic Searches

If you run basic searches, you will end up finding basic results only. So, it's better that you boil down to specific keyword oriented searches so that you are able to find the right kind of sources.


  1. 4.       See each Resume as more than a Potential Search Option

Do not end up viewing each resume just as a search option. Every candidate might be having more to offer than just what is written on his or her resume.


  1. 5.       Run multiple Searches on Several Sources

Despite having an experience in recruiting for the same position, it's not that you would end up finding the right candidate. Surprised? Don't be. It does take a lot of time in finding the right candidate. So, it is advisable that you run multiple searches across several sources. This will enable you to glance through several sources and gradually end up finding the right candidate.


  1. 6.       Search through All Resumes

As a recruiter, you must have the energy to search through all resumes. This might seem as a rather difficult task, but to be able to do this will ensure that you end up searching for the right candidate. This may be time consuming but can help you find a better candidate.


  1. 7.       Avoid being a Sourcing Snob

There are several candidates whose CV's lie in your database. There are plenty of "A" candidates available in each and every job board resume database—major or niche. Do not let go a candidate if the CV is more than a month old. You may be surprised to find that some are even a year old.

  1. 8.       Don't Submit the first 2-3 Candidates you Find or Speak With

Sounds crazy? I can hear someone asking, "Why shouldn't I submit the first candidates I find that fit the requirements?" but in this case what is the probability that the first candidate you would hire, would turn out to be the best candidate for the job role? So, it is advisable that you take some time in glancing through the resumes, interview a few more candidates before finalizing.


  1. 9.       Continuously Improve your Candidate Sourcing Skills

This is one of the most important aspects that recruiters need to keep a check upon. You should always look into the matter as to how can you improve yourself in terms of recruitment with each passing day. Stretch yourself a little beyond your current abilities.


  1. 10.   Spend most of your Time in Candidate Sourcing

Spend as much time as possible on candidate sourcing and that too high-end candidate sourcing. Invest more time in high-yielding sources like LinkedIn followed by your ATS and CRM.



With time, now it has been proven that, finding the right candidate can be a difficult task, however, not impossible if the correct methods are followed.










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