API stands for Application Programming interface. Before API there was a technology called SOAP which was used to connect one service to another service.

With the growth of technology and online tools there is a big need of connecting one tool to another. For example you had launched a WordPress website and now you want to connect different third parties together.

Some of the services like:


b) Email API

c) Social Media API

d) Facebook API

e) Twitter API

f) LinkedIn API

There are thousands of different API available and most of them now will provide you plugins to connect them with WordPress. 

This capacity is helpful from various perspectives. For one, it permits the Notepad system to have the capacity to print without communicating straightforwardly with the printer. All the work in conveying, sharing and apportioning what gets the chance to print what is finished by Windows. Every one of an individual program needs to do is execute the print () summon.

This capacity is likewise valuable in that Windows can undoubtedly change how it manages diverse prints or whether it really prints by any means (as opposed to, say, recovery to a PDF report) without making any progressions to Notepad.

WordPress is highly used open source technology and is used by corporate websites, organization, blogs, E-commerce. To make websites more lucrative the connectivity of different third party application are required so visitors can have easy access of different things. 

APIs and WordPress together provides you a platform for website owner and visitors to have a flexible usage of website. 

Some of the things which API and WordPress are making easy for everyone are:

Flexibility: With API and WordPress Hosting Services one can add everyday a new feature on their website without writing any code.

No Technical Knowledge required: For connecting an API to WordPress you do need to have no technical knowledge. Some access codes which is also provided as steps by the API provider 

Usability: Providing an easy usage to visitors and making them stay more on your website

Social Media Connectivity: Image you have 100 social media websites where your account is registered and you need to submit a particular post on daily basis on all of the website. You need to have a dedicated resource to get those job done. But when it comes to Social media API connectivity it will make you one click to 100 Submission.


Source : articlesbase.com


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